Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Although I consider myself a "Twitter Newbie" because I am still trying to figure out just exactly what's going on, I fear I’ve developed a bit of an addiction and may soon require some type of intervention. There is a wealth of information out in Twitterland. Some very informative, some amusing, some LOL funny and some…well let’s just say don’t fall into any category.

Twitter is limited to 140 characters so has developed its own “language”. There are all sorts of shortcuts and MORE acronyms to learn. Hash tags (#) are used to categorize topics or at least that is my understanding. There is one that I found of particular interest #youmightbeanautismparentif… This was started by a couple of moms as a birthday game just over 2 months ago and is still going strong. One that I particularly liked and related to was “You might be an autism parent if you share funny things your child says but are in no way trying to make fun of them or offend others on the spectrum.”   I personally include “things your child does” as well.

Last night I was looking through some of our holiday pictures that were posted by the relatives and came across a couple that I just had to share. Almost daily at our resort there would be water aerobics. Loud thumping upbeat music would blare across the lagoon in the hopes of getting people out of their lounge chairs and into the water (with or without drinks in hand). I, of course, chose to watch from above, cooler cup in hand and stand guard over our borrowed beach towels.

I absolutely LOVE these two pictures!!  They capture R's uninhibited enthusiasm and individuality to a T!  Cue music.  Can you guess which one is my Riley???    =D

Have yourself a fantastic day!!!  D


  1. Perfect! Absolutely priceless shots.

    1. Yup...he was having a whale of a good time! If I could only figure out how to upload some video...tee hee. =D

  2. omg i LOVE THESE!!!!!!! It doesn't matter where we are, public or private, if Tommy hears a tune he likes, he'll break into dance (resembling the night at the roxberry dance). Its GREAT! Especially in elevators lmao!

    1. Gotta love when they do that don't ya. *smh* AND...withOUT alcohol. HA! Always makes me smile or can you not right???
