Thursday, 23 August 2012

"Fab Friday: Back to School Edition"

I can’t believe it is almost September and some kids are already back at school. We still have just over a week before Riley heads back for his final year of high school. Yup.

One.  (Deep inhale)

More.  (aaand…exhale)

Year.  (Excuse me while I go lock myself in my cave. *sigh*)

Okie-dokies. Now that I have collected myself…shall we continue? Since my blogging seems to have taken a bit of a backseat to summer fun and I seem to be struggling with putting more than a couple of coherent sentences together, I thought I would treat you to another spin-off of my “Friday’s Fab Five Review” with this week’s “Back to School Edition”.

In the spotlight, a trio of mommy bloggers who I enjoy for their practical and realistic outlook on life and who share their adventures with insight, experience and most of all…humour.

First up...Robbie. I have been following Robbie since blogging/tweeting began for me and even copied paid tribute to her series “Saturday Seven” via satellite. For the preschool bunch, Robbie over at “Fractured Family Tales” guest posted over at “take2mommy” about “How to Survive the First Day of Preschool”. Robbie works in the education field and came up with ten very practical tips (I can personally vouch for number 5 with J2) which I wish I had known when both our boys were starting preschool.

Next up is Bridget. I came across Bridget's blog “Twinisms” via Stasha’s Monday Listicles and keep going back for more. As soon as I read she had a “high tolerance for wine” in her bio, I knew we were destined to be virtual friends. Her husband is in the Army and their family is currently stationed in Alaska. She has not one but two sets of twins. Really.    

Bridget is nearing the end of school with her first set of twins and is at the beginning of school with her second set. You gasped didn’t you? If you are just starting out, you may or may not be able to relate to the first half of her post. Being almost at the end of “our” school career I most definitely could yet even more…I sympathized with Bridget over the next 13 years. *wink*  “School is in Session” is a quick read and you won’t be sorry.

An encore presentation from one of my newer bloggy buddies Christina who blogs at “Riding the Crazy Train: diary of a Delirious Mom”. She also has a set of twins. Only girls. She recently started back working out of the home as a Special Education Assistant after attaining what I would consider her Masters degree as Head Conductor of the Crazy Train. Her blast from the past post “Bullies: Inherently Mean or Morally Uneducated?” is a topic which I think every parent thinks about these days.

I am sure this year will supply me with much to blog about. I hope it is an exciting year for Riley and I am quite sure it will be an even scarier one for me and G. Wish us luck or even better…send alcohol…lots and lots of alcohol. I’m not kidding.

I hope you enjoyed some summer fun with family and friends.  I know I did.  =)


  1. My oldest son is a junior. Where did the time go? Hope the re-entry goes smoothly!

    1. Seems like once they hit high school, the time just flew by! Yikes. Thanks! Hope both your boys have a good year too.

  2. Thanks for the shout out! I'e barely been able to read this week so it was great to be pointed to some fantastic posts. I feel like I should go out and get a set of twins so I can fit in with these fine ladies.

    1. Haha! I know what you mean about the twins. I think I'll take a pass though. ;P

      I've been having a hard time keeping up lately too. Hopefully once we get back into some sort of routine.


  3. Thanks again for the bloggy love, Di! Looking forward to Riley's adventures as the big man on campus this year!

    1. I'm sure there will some "adventures". Hopefully I'll live to tell them. HA!


  4. Great team you assembled there. I'm already a fan of Robbie's and Bridget's. I look forward to clicking on over to Christina. Ellen

    1. You won't be disappointed! She's equally as funny. :D

  5. Thanks for the shout out! I can't read to read these:)
