Friday, 14 September 2012

Bowling "Happy" Dance

I know you have all been waiting with bated breath for this week's footage of Riley at Special "O" Bowling. G was ready. Video camera in hand. He was going to get Riley's "happy" dance on film. I made sure the battery was charged. Right??? How many times have you gone to film that Christmas concert or dance recital only to find the battery light flashing red just as your little munchkin's class is about to sing or sashay onto the stage. AUGH!!!

Off they went. I had my bookclub tonight so couldn't go.  :(  G calls me within 15 minutes of start time. Riley already got a strike! Yippee!!! I immediately ask if he got the "happy" dance on film. As luck would have it R chose this particular time to demonstrate self-control by walking calmly back to his seat on the bench. Oi-vay. Two more strikes and still no "happy" dance. *sigh*  Not to worry. G got some other footage so prepare yourself to be entertained. Watch closely.

Riley prepares himself by adjusting his shorts so they will not interfere with his ability to bend at the knees.

After careful deliberation Riley chooses a ball and approaches the line cautiously.

His eyes are focused on the pins at the end of the alley.

He then finishes with his classic Mario (from Nintendo) arm gesture. Rats! No strike this time.

Riley is able to maintain his focus in this second clip. If you watch closely you will see his confusion after he is unable to "spare" after his second ball. His ability to wait patiently for the reset still boggles my mind. We've come a looooong way baby!  *wink*


We will give it another try next week.  :)


  1. Good for him! Did he have those bumper things that keep the ball out of the gutter? I didn't see them but the video is small so I wasn't sure. My boys can't bowl without 'em.

  2. Thanks Jennifer! He has "graduated" from the bumper bowling although his style remains the same. :)

  3. AWW!!! We still get the bumpers. Tommy likes to roll the ball hard side to side so it looks like he's playing pinball lmao!! So long as they're having fun, who cares!!!

    1. Absolutely...this particular bowling alley switched from the air-bumpers to small rails that popped up. Not quite as forgiving as the air-bumpers but R doesn't exactly throw his balls with much muscle behind them. Ha!

  4. Love it, Di! He is exhibiting some amazing self-control. Ainsley would have demanded to see the management at this point to determine why she had not yet rolled a strike, because obviously the equipment is to blame! LOL

    1. Haahaa...would love to be there to see THAT conversation! :D And of course the equipment would be to blame. D
