Sunday, 11 November 2012

10 "Fictional" Facts
#Monday Listicles

Fictional = FAKE!!!

Yes…that is what I had at the top of my list this week as a reminder. I admit it. My book club will confirm it. Even after 14 years in a book club, I still have trouble remembering that fiction means NOT real. I get that fictional characters are not real but for some reason I have a mental block when it comes to non-fiction and fiction books. Let me explain. For some reason, in my mind, I relate the word fiction to “fact” and non-fiction would therefore be “not true”. Think about it. Normally anything with a prefix of “non” equates to something not-whatever. Right??? 

Oi-vay. I know...enough already! Let’s move on shall we?  This week Anja who blogs over at Cocalores picked this week’s Monday Listicles topic…actually 2 topics which Stasha is letting us pick between. “10 Things James Bond or any Secret Agent” OR “10 Fictional Facts About Me" (One must be true and you must guess which one)”.

So although I am still not sure if I got this quite right…here is my list of 10 - only one is TRUE.

1.      I prefer water to alcohol…especially wine.

2.      I prefer exercise to sitting around having coffee at Starbucks with friends.

3.      I prefer camping to five-star, concrete, lavish hotels with running water and flushies.

4.      I prefer cleaning the house myself as opposed to having someone else do it.

5.      I prefer to go to a nightclub over spending an evening in with friends.

6.      I prefer grocery shopping to clothes shopping.

7.      I prefer spam to filet mignon.

8.      I prefer 1 ply to higher ply paper products.

9.      I prefer a colonoscopy to a mammogram.

10.   I prefer hot flashes to a relaxing hot bath.

Can you guess which one is TRUE???


  1. I certainly hope it's not the colonoscopy over the mammo. Actually it's the drinking the stuff the night before that reduced me to tears. eek. I'm down to number 3 or 1. Number 3?

    1. it's definitely NOT the colonoscopy. I'm with you...the prep is the worst! I thought number 1 was a given. Guess I don't drink as much as people say I do. :D

  2. This is impossible!!!i need 007 to help me solve this mystery! Dude. I prefer camping to 5 star hotels so I am going with this.

    1. Really??? Hmmmm...thought there was some pretty sure give aways. I am going to take this as a compliment as well...obviously I don't complain as much as I thought and don't have as many vices as I thought. Haahaa!

  3. These lists are confusing the tar out of me! I, too, have wondered my whole life why, oh, why something "non" is true. I keep reading these lists thinking, "She really did that?" and have even started a comment before I realized my error.
    I'm going with #6. You like grocery shopping. Mostly because I can't imagine anyone liking the others. Some were hilarious. Hot flashes over hot bath? Ha!

    1. Phew...glad I'm not the only one who was confused?!?! Obviously everybody else in the world is wrong except for us! :D

  4. Replies
    1. Do you get confused over fiction and non-fiction too??? Just asking...

  5. Oh man I have the EXACT problem!! I always have to talk myself through the fiction/non fiction thing! Man, this was hard! Good list :) I guess 6...

    1. Thank YOU Jessica! I am beginning to see the fiction/non-fiction thing is much more common than I thought. ;P got it! :)

  6. I don't know what to say. I'm making myself flashcards so I can keep fiction vs. non-fiction straight now. You made such a good point that non-fiction is like a double negative or something. Wait, can I just get my house cleaned instead? Ellen

    1. It IS confusing isn't it! Here's another one for you...flammable vs. inflammable. Thoughts???


  7. Um...number 2 is true.

    I had difficulty making my list of 9 fakes because my life lends itself to being way more crazy than anything I could ever come up with in my imagination.

    1. Hmmmmm...I thought you did a pretty good job coming up with 9 fakes. Tell me...will I ever be able to go to Burger King again??? :D

  8. I'm an English Major...I think I have to return the BA if I can't remember fiction vs. non-fiction. Not that they'd ever get me to talk ;)

    which one is true??? are you a coffee drinker? can't recall.
    I really want it to be the nightclub one. I haven't got my groove on in a long time and that sounds much better than sitting around.

    1. Haahaaa...honestly I have never been much of a nightclub person. I used to frequent Starbucks daily when the boys were in preschool. Heaven forbid I were to exercise when I had spare time.

      Would you believe it's number 6??? Such a live wire these days! ;P

  9. It's gotta be either the grocery shopping or the wine. I love wine so I can't imagine that but I'm thinking groceries.

    1. I love wine waaaay too much too! :D You got's the grocery shopping. I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE trying on clothes. Of course it has nothing to do with my newly acquired menopausal body! Oish.

  10. Replies
    1. Bridget, Bridget, Bridget...*shaking my head*

  11. OMG...this was great...I am going to guess...even though I am late, """I prefer grocery shopping to clothes shopping."""
