Sunday, 24 March 2013

10 Spring Break Highlights
#Monday Listicles

Our hostess Stasha suggested this week’s Listicles topic “10 Things Spring”. Since today started the second (and thankfully final week) of Riley’s spring break what better way to recap the highlights so far than with a Monday Listicles. So without further ado...10 Springbreak Highlights in Riley World:

Image from MorgueFile

1.      No school for 11 days (weekends excluded; Easter included).

2.      Usually reserved for weekends only, R slept on the hide-a-bed downstairs. Hey…he thinks this is a treat and I did put memory foam on top of the mattress to keep the springs from jabbing into him cuz I am an awesome autism mom.  

3.      No school.

4.      R slept in. 99% of the time he springs out of bed at 6:55 am for school. No alarm required. This past week he slept in until 7:03 am give or take a second or two.  :)

5.      No school.

6.      R had “lunch at home” every day…a bonus in Riley World. With R’s limited diet he usually cooks his lunch (wieners or perogies) at school. Last week he got to have…wait for it…wieners or perogies at home. G or I cooked them so I guess there was that. 

7.      No school.

8.      R had 2 pops (1-C-Plus Orange and 1-Sprite) almost every day. Holidays are like weekends in Riley World…well that was how he justified it. At almost 19, I guess I should consider myself lucky it was not 2 beers almost every day. Some definite plusses to Riley World.

9.      No school.

10.   AND…the absolute BEST thing about spring break in Riley World…drum roll please…NO SCHOOL!

Something tells me he will not be exactly excited to see this on the board when he goes back.

Image from

What do you look forward to in the Spring? 


  1. Four more days of school here. They get Good Friday and then the following week. I am hoping it gets warm enough for us to go to the beach. Considering that's just a week away even if we go the water won't be warm enough to get in. Not for me anyway. But that's the only place there won't be any pollen.

    1. The last 3-4 years our school district changed to 2 weeks for spring break. Great if you're going away. A little long if you're not. :(

      I hope you have some nice weather for yours. I'm with you on the pollen. Boo!!!

  2. I guess you guys enjoyed no school, huh? :)

  3. I can see Riley is enjoying the no school thing! We get Friday off but our break is not until later in April.

    1. I try to make sure he goes out to do something at least once a day. I usually get the "I CAN'T stay home! We have to do errands." Haha! have a long stretch from Christmas. On the upside...hopefully better weather. ;P

  4. I know! The weather is just crazy this year!!!!! Enjoy your uhhhh 'spring' break!

  5. Sounds like it was a dream Spring Break for him!

    1. Wait until September rolls around...he'll be so confused/excited! HA!

  6. I know what you mean--I have a 16-year-old with ADD who doesn't drink alcohol, and I'm so grateful!

  7. No spring break here in Italy... just 6 days off (including weekend) for Easter... don't think I could survive for two weeks with the kids at home, it takes me all year to gear up for the summer holidays! I'm glad Riley's enjoying his break though!!

    1. The 2 weeks are great if you are going away...a little long if you're not. I'd better get used to it since this is R's last year. Yikes!

  8. Wow, 7:03? Did those extra 8 minutes make your day so much easier?

    And lunch at home. What could be better?

    I love your sense of humor.

    1. Thankfully he's fine on his own until I roll out of bed ummmm later. ;P

      Gee thanks...I love your sense of humour (you forgot the 'u') too!

  9. Two weeks for Spring Break? That's crazy. I don't know how you keep your sanity.

    1. It's only been 2 weeks for the past 3 or so years so not nearly as bad...I mean it's a little easier when they get older. :D

  10. Ha. I just realized I am officially a parent cause reading the sentence NO SCHOOL gave me the shivers every single time. I might have to take that beer then...
