Friday 29 March 2019

The "Yo-Yo" Effect

Communication is more than just speech and language.

Communication can be social.
Communication can be behavioural.
Communication can be one of the hardest things in Riley World.

Last night was Riley’s year-end Special Olympics bowling banquet. As he was eating his dinner before we left (because no, he will not eat anything at the banquet)… *Yo-yo starts to spin down*

R:  Tonight I will get my trophy.
Me:  Weeeeeelllll…we’ll have to see. Maybe not.
R:  Yes! I want to get a trophy.
Me:  I know you do. We can hope for a trophy but we’ll have to see.
R:  I just need a trophy.   

You see, every year since Riley started bowling, he has received either a team or individual trophy. For the last couple of years, we have tried to prep R that he may not get a trophy. It is a hard concept to explain. He does not understand why he is getting a trophy. Most Improved, High Three, High Average are just words and mean nothing to him. He hears his name and goes bounding up to accept a trophy.

On the way to the banquet, *Yo-yo begins its ascent*  Riley started repeating over and over and over “I don’t want a trophy. I don’t need it.”   I acknowledge. I agree. But in Riley World sometimes “do” means “don’t” or don’t” means “do”. Confusing I know so I...ummm…start to back-pedal.

Me:  Well…you might get a tro…
R:  NO! 
Me:  Oh. You don’t want a trophy?
R:  NO! I DON’T want a trophy.
Me:  *sigh*  But they might call your name and then you'...
R:  NO!  *flails arms* 
Me:  Ok. That’s fine.

We get seated. Door prizes are drawn. Dinner is served. Riley is content with a can of Sprite and his iPad. *Yo-yo begins to unwind again*

The award presentations begin. On Riley-repeat is now “I can’t go home yet? (translation: I want to go home.)  I have to STAY! (translation: I want to go NOW!)”  *Yo-yo going up*

Meanwhile my mind starts going into overdrive “What if they do call his name? Will he go up or will he refuse and start to yell? Maybe G should be ready to go up. But what if they don’t call his name. Is he going to freak out?” 

And then there is only one individual award left.  *Yo-yo reaches the top* 

“Male High Average goes to......Riley Tucker!”  He jumps out of his seat and goes bounding up. 

And with that, the Yo-yo unwinds and we’re off to McDonald’s for his medium fries in a small brown bag.