Tuesday 31 December 2019

Christmas 2019 is a wrap…

We’ve had company staying with us since Christmas Eve so we have been busy enjoying the holiday festivities and I have been off of social media for the most part.

Not to say there have not been any worthy posts. Oh…there have my friends. Lucky for you, I thought to take pics. 

So to recap…here’s how Christmas 2019 went down in Riley World in pictures…

J1 and J2 spent the night so they would be here to start “opening presents” promptly at 9:30am. Both boys were out celebrating until the early hours of the 25th. One of them was genuinely excited. The other two were genuinely faking it.  

By 9:58am, Riley had disappeared upstairs with his stash.

By 10:00am, J1 and J2 had disappeared back to bed.

J1 was occupying R’s space downstairs. Riley made it perfectly clear that he was not thrilled. “How many nights is J1 staying?  He’s STAYING isn’t he.”  We tried to assure him it was only for the one night. 

After brunch J1 went downstairs to get packed up and found this…

Not unusual for Riley to put things “back to normal”.

I guess it was past check-out time because R had moved all of J1’s things into the bathroom. 

Unfortunately, Fred got sick and we had to play musical beds on the 27th. The change in routine started the countdown to when they would be leaving. “How many more nights are they staying? 5 more nights??” followed every morning since with the number of nights. Being tactful is not a Riley World strong suit.

Last year we negotiated leaving the tree decorated until January 1st and it worked!  So, this year I was pretty confident that he would leave the tree decorated until January 2nd (after our friends leave).

We woke up on the 29th to this…

Not undecorated but not quite decorated either.

This morning (December 31st)…

I guess all the changes were too much after all. 

From our family to yours, may 2020 bring all things good...health, happiness and love!

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