Wednesday 3 June 2015

Closure for the Sock Saga...

On the heels of Riley destroying throwing away his black striped socks for reasons I will never know…here is an update that, if you follow us on Facebook, you will already know about. Otherwise ummm…why aren’t you following us Facebook?!?!?

At R's request he went to buy some socks at Walmart with his cousin Sara after work experience. He came home with 2 packs of socks. Socks that he has never, EVER had before. He picked them out, paid for them and seemed quite excited about it all.

Conversation he had later with G over Mr. Noodles:

G: So I hear you bought some new socks today.
R: Yeah I did!
G: Where did you buy them?
R: At Walmart with my cousin Sara.
G: How many did you buy?
R: 2 packs.
G: How much did they cost?
R: *Without hesitation and very confidently*   2 dollars!

Ummmmm....not exactly. One of the downsides of always using a debit card?!?!?
Keeping my fingers crossed that he will wear them. 

UPDATE:  He has been wearing the NEW socks happily every day since. Then again...there are no other socks in his dresser drawer.  :D


  1. I like them - good choice!
    if only they were $2 though - my kids go through socks like crazy. I am forever finding only one in the wash - and that is BEFORE I put them in the wash.

    1. My niece said she was shocked to see how much the socks cost when she saw my post on FB. She thought they were $5.44 and such a good deal so asked how many packs R wanted. Thankfully he only said 2!!
