Friday 21 June 2019

25 Years in the Making...

If you are new to Riley World and would like to take a stroll down memory lane with me...Click here or on the photo to have a look at the first 19 Chapters in Riley World

Twenty-five years ago, you came into this world. Two and a half decades. One quarter of a century. When the heck did I get so old?!?!? 

Little did we know that life, as we knew it, would never be the same.

When you were born, you were the same weight/length as J2 was...only you were bald.
When you were born, 1 in 150 were diagnosed with autism. Today, it is more like 1 in 59.
When you were born, the movie Rain Man was the closest thing to autism that people could relate to.

Growing up, I was never a very patient person. Becoming a parent, well…never changed that.  

After J2, I thought nothing or no one would ever be able to test my patience like he did. I was wrong.

You changed me.

Who knew there would be so many doctors with such long, LONG waiting lists. 
Who knew there would be so many forms to be filled out. So, SO many forms. 
Who knew there would be so many tears. Tears of joy, sadness, laughter and often times, hysteria.

You have brought autism awareness to so many.

In the early years, it was in the form of a high-pitched scream that would silence a food court. Pretty sure it caused hearing loss to anyone within a 5-block radius.  

As you grew and matured, the awareness you spread was not so ummmm…loud and overwhelming for others (or us). I imagine it had to do with the popularity of earbuds/noise-cancelling headphones.

Nowadays it is your charm and endearing qualities that attract people to you.

You changed our world.

You have changed the lives of many.

You continue to change the world.

Happy 25th Riley-man!  
We are so proud of you!  ❤

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