Wednesday 29 April 2020

Y is for Yardwork


I realize it’s not #TBT (Throwback Thursday) or #FBF (Flashback Friday) but I found this old post and it is perfect for my “Y” subject.

I originally wrote this back in March of 2014. Can you believe that was 6 years ago! I figure most of you reading now never followed me before's like new material, right??  

Some times, it is good for me to look back and see how far Riley has come. 

Some times, I can’t believe we are STILL working on the exact. same. things…Operation IFO comes to mind. We started that back in September of 2013. *sobs softly to myself*

You’ll also get a glimpse of our old backyard. No wonder I never spent much time out there. I’ll post pics of our new and improved backyard at the end.


Now I am sure you have heard the old saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”?  Well my friend Lori had one of those branch clippers on a stick that she bought on a whim and used only a couple of times. She gave it to G when she was moving. During the last snow G was in heaven. The branches on the trees around our yard were weighed down with snow so he was able to clip away to his heart’s content without the use of a ladder.  

It was a sunny day today so G decided to go out and clean up the tree carnage. “I” decided R should help him. Not sure who was least impressed…G or R?!?  So at 10:45 I shoved R out the door  R headed outside. 

G started R off with a corn broom then switched him over to a push broom. Did you know a corn broom does not push well?? Conversely a push broom does not sweep well. Just an observation.

Betcha didn’t know that the operation of a push broom required a demonstration. Welcome to Riley World! 

Now even though I was still in my PJ’s, I decided audio was required so you could enjoy the full experience. My pleasure. Two more observations before this last clip:
  • Did you know the words raking and sweeping are interchangeable???
  • When sweeping does not work…kicking will do.

Riley held the bag helped G bag the branches and was outside for 1 hour!!!


This only happened because the District needed to replace a bridge below our house. Even though it took 18 months, we are thrilled with how it turned out. I actually spend time out there now.

Tomorrow is the last day of this challenge. I promise it will be an original.

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