Friday 22 June 2012

"Friday's Fab Five"

Since I missed posting last Friday, this week will be a combo from the last two weeks. I hope you found my first installment of Friday's Fab Five "enlightening" and introduced you to some new blogs.

A new category this week will be "Recipes". After all I am always looking for a tried and true favourite recipe aren't you? You know...the ones that have been handed down through generations. This week's recipe can be found at a new blog I was turned onto over at The Glamorous Life of the Modern Day Soccer Mom. Her post on "How to Make Ice Cubes - An Old Family Recipe" is a must read! Very informative and I learnt some great tips!

I discovered the Momalog via Stasha’s "Monday Listicles" over at The good life. Ado’s post "Cindy Crawford is Perfect and I’m Not” had me reminiscing about my youth (although I was never anything close to a Cindy Crawford type…ha!), daydreaming, giggling and gasping in horror. Check it out to see why.

As you know Riley has autism so many of the blogs I follow are about autism. After 15 years of navigating Riley World one would think I would be fairly well-versed in all things autistic. Ummm…think again. *sigh*  Apparently there is something called the Sally-Anne test which was used in Simon Baron-Cohen’s (no not the Borat guy) study of Theory of Mind in Autism. I found this post “How I failed the Sally-Anne test and my autistic son didn’t” over at Outrunning the Storm. Try taking the test and see how you do. By the way…I failed too.

These next two blog posts deal with the wonderful world of “teenhood”! Even if you are not there yet these two posts will give you a taste of what’s in store for you. One is autism-related, the other is not however when you are dealing with teens…it really doesn’t seem to matter. Oish. Brace yourselves it could get ugly.
         2)   “WTF Wednesday” at Twinisms

Have you discovered any new blogs? Please feel free to add them in the comments. I’d love to hear about them. 

Have a great weekend!

*All images taken from Google Images.


  1. thanks for the mention, I am glad to see I am not the only one who can't figure out where Sally put that darn ball. :)

    1. My pleasure. Yup...I'm right there with ya. =D

  2. What a fun group to be part of! Thank you so much for including me. I appreciate it!

    1. I'm glad I "discovered" your blog Gina! Tee hee. I love reading about your "Glamorous Life of the Modern Day Soccer Mom". =D

      To make it's the link to Gina's blog:

  3. Thanks for the link Dot...He's still really obnoxious...:)

    1. Haaahaaa...looking forward to reading more about it. ;P

  4. Thanks for the shout out!!

    Also, dealing with teens is hard I might need more wine... ;)

    1. Your blog is one of my favs! So happy to have found you on Stasha's #MondayListicles. :D

      See...I agree with you about more wine...I mean teens. Tee hee.


  5. Ado at The Momalog IS fabulous, isn't she?

    Wonderful way to wrap up a week with posts you loved!

    1. Thanks Alison!

      I found so many great new blogs through Stasha's link-up. Thought I'd share. :)

