Thursday 9 April 2020

G is for Grocery Shopping

I have always liked grocery shopping. I find it relaxing to wander the aisles, thinking about nothing. And put me in a grocery store in the US of A and…

And then…a thing called COVID-19 comes along. 

In the first few weeks, people panicked and started buying up all the hand sanitizer and disinfectant products they could get their hands on. And…wait for it…toilet paper and chicken. Say whaaaaaaa?!?!?!

There was not a square of toilet paper or wing of a chicken to be found in those early weeks. Some people were hoarding supplies or buying these items up at Costco and trying to resell at a premium. Shame on them.

As we enter into about our 4th week of social distancing, the initial panic seems to be waning. Grocery/drug stores have implemented social distancing measures and when I have been out, people are being respectful of each other. 

Waiting to get into Superstore.

Waiting to get into London Drugs.

Lining up to get prescriptions.

Some stores have implemented one-way aisles.

Letting you know where to stand at the check-outs.

We are living in a time most of us have never experienced before. It has been scary living with the unknown. Thankfully, we are being kept informed and as long as we all do our part, I am hoping we will come out on the other side as a more empathetic, appreciative and caring community. 

Stay safe, 6 feet apart, remember to keep washing your hands and...

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy grocery shopping, too! I always take a list (because I'll never remember what I need otherwise and will get distracted by all the pretty, shiny things) and I compare prices and calculate price per ounce and look at new items and displays. Sometimes, I look up a recipe on Pinterest right there in the aisle and get items for it. Now when I go, it's grab what I need and get out of there before I catch Covid 19 from someone. I miss normal.
