Saturday 18 April 2020

O is for #OperationIFO

It is not uncommon for individuals with ASD to have narrow food choices. This can be due to a number of reasons such as sensory sensitivities/aversions or an insistence on “sameness” and not just being “picky”.

If you are new to Riley World, you may not have heard of #Operation IFO (Increase Food Options). I started it the year Riley finished high school (2013) and we were taking a gap year.  You can read about it here.

It was one of many poor choices I would make.

Don’t get me wrong…we have made progress over the years but it takes time. And energy. A LOT of time and SO much energy. SO. MUCH. ENERGY!

Here’s a clip taken within the last year as we tried Mini Carrot Muffins. He has gotten so much better in trying new foods yet…still he is limited in his food choices. 

I guess why I tend to drop the ball over and over is that he is basically healthy and rarely gets sick. He has been keeping to his growth curve over the years. Sure, it’s a little inconvenient when we travel but I have gotten used to it and we have learned to adapt.

There are now food therapies and other interventions that were not as available when Riley was little. To be perfectly honest…I am tired. We both are tired and getting set in our ways. Is this a valid excuse for not trying?  Probably not. But in the big scheme of life…is it the worst thing that could happen. And if you think it is…I will have his bags packed and you can pick him up at any time.

1 comment:

  1. I love this video, and I loved Operation IFO. I should have bought stock in the Mr. Noodles company when I first met you.
